The Meeting

Naturally, I was running late the first time I attended the Jung Friends at St. James's Church, after fighting traffic to get home from work in Santa Cruz. Perhaps I had a lot on my mind. I found a parking space and hurried to the door of the large building next to the church, where two young men were coming out. "Is this where the meeting is?" I asked. They nodded and pointed me upstairs.

Breathlessly, I reached the top of the stairs. The door was closed, and people were already seated around a large wooden table. "Is this...the meeting?" "Oh, yes." I must have looked stressed, for people around the table gave me understanding smiles.

I took a seat. The leader began. "Would all who care to, please join me in opening with a moment of silence for those who are still sick and suffering, both in and out of this room, followed by the Serenity Prayer? Let's take that moment now......"

They start with a prayer? Well, people say Jung was "spiritual." Anyway, we were at a church. Maybe that was the price for meeting here.

As soon as we said "Amen," a man in a blue shirt had the floor. He said his name was John, and he was an alcoholic.

My head spun. Now I knew I was in the wrong place. But before I could speak up and excuse myself, a woman in a taffeta gown was telling how she had hit bottom.

I jumped up and fled, leaving my new friends to think what they might. I had explored the connection between Jung and Alcoholics Anonymous in a unique and intimate way.

© Matthew Hammond July 2009