Senior Technical Writer, ARC International
April to October 2009
ARC TechPubs was eliminated during the 2008 global economic crisis.
In April 2009 I was recalled on a contract basis to
handle a backlog of updates. I continued my work with a geographically
distributed team and minimal direction.
- Cleared a backlog of CRs and new features using FrameMaker and Word.
- Developed a wiki to inform managers and engineers of TechPubs tools and process.
- Mentored a new writer in Russia using VNC, email, and Skype.
- Supported UK hardware operation while keeping up on software tools and products.
- Kept Word and FrameMaker templates up to date and in synch.
- Produced PDFs and JavaHelp helpsets for numerous releases.
- Mastered showing and hiding subhelpsets based on license file.
- Created WebWorks Publisher templates for Eclipse Help from FrameMaker and Word.
- Created WebWorks Publisher templates for Eclipse Help and JavaHelp with a single set of HTML files from FrameMaker or Word.